Monday, September 14, 2009


When i first walked into smoothie king i noticed the noise of blenders blending and an older guy greeting me at the counter. As i walked up to order i noticed the guy at the counter was very upbeat and seemed way too awake for ten in the morning. My first impression of the place was that it had healthier alternatives to snaking. As i was ordering i realized the cheerfulness of the cashier seemed to rub off onto me as i ordered. I ordered a medium pineapple pleasure and decided to start my day off right and add an energy boost enhancer to my smoothie. He asked me for my name and gave me an order slip. I looked around and noticed all of the signs for healthier living and eating healthy. These signs already convinced me i had made the right choice for something to eat. As i went to the other counter to pay for my order i walked past their wall of non smoothie items. This wall included things like protein shakes and vitamins for all of your healthy living needs. I gave the man my slip to pay and before i had time to take out my credit card he was handing me my smoothie. The man then informed me of a free coupon for my future trips. I pocked the coupon and began to head out. The cashier then said goodbye and recited my name. I first had to stop and think how he would know my name and quickly realized he had asked me as soon as i entered the building. My lasting impression of the place was it was a very nice environment with likable people.
Smoothie king is a place where first impressions mean a lot. From the healthy living signs to a guy greeting you as you walk in, smoothie king wants you to eat healthy and be happy. Their quick service and variety of healthy foods encourages anyone to buy a smoothie. For a quick but healthy bite to eat, smoothie king has great smoothies and snacks for anyone.


  1. Hello Steven

    We are gald you had a nice experience at one of our locations. Your blog is a more engaging read than some of our own press releases .

    If I could impose on you to send me the specific location you visited we would liek to reach out to that franchisee. In additon, if you would e-mail me your mailing address we would like to send you a gift card in appreciation as well.

    Bobby Williams
    Smoothie King
    VP of Marketing

  2. First impressions are very important. They stay with you and set your personal opinion. I personally love Smoothie King so i can agree with you on this one. I'm glad your first experience was a happy one!

  3. That's so cool, how someone other then our classmate read your blog. Anyway i thought it was pretty good, i felt like i was the one there, after you explained all your steps from entering to exiting. Now i really want to go there, it'll be a first...Good Job!

  4. Hey,
    I really like how you described your encounter with the man and the impression he left on you. I would have liked to see more of a description of the place. I know of one that has bright colors everywhere that make the place seem more alive. If this place had bright colors, it could also tie in with the cheery man.

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