Thursday, October 15, 2009


The main reason i use youtube is for listing to music. I was looking though to see if any aritst i like had any new songs up. Cidida is a local artist that can be seen performing shows at Giff's downtown. He has has been on Freestyle friday on BET and won 5 rounds. The reason i like Cidida is because his music style is very broad. He incorporates his singing, rapping and crazy beats in his music. This video is a more slow laid-back song by cidida. The reason i enjoyed this video is because of his connection with his hometown, frederick. He talks about local places and i recognize mostly every picture in the video. He routinely shouts out to frederick and I think its awesome when i can relate to the places hes talking about.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Title: Come back to bite you in the…
The controversy surrounding this image is about animal cruelty and how fame can work negatively. Michael Vick was imprisoned for dog fighting and this image shows a dog that bit him while he was playing quarterback. The people who would think this image is most controversial are fans of Michael Vick and football. It shows that even though he is all done with his prison the negative image is still present for him and NFL players. Now every time people think of Mike Vick they think of his dog fighting conviction and not him as a quarterback. As a football fan I feel this image goes too far. If the same crime committed by Vick was committed by a normal person there would not be protests and animal rights groups pushing for a harsher sentence. I defiantly don’t approve of dog fighting and have a dog myself but I think the Vick situation was blown way out of proportion. People who are against animal cruelty would like this image because it shows Vick with a wound that would be lifelong. This image shows a dog getting revenge on Vick.

snowboarding friend

My friend Colin Weigle and I have a lot of things in common. We both enjoy being active and both like to snowboard. When I asked him what sport he first liked he told me about how he used to set up soccer goals in his yard when he was 5. He has been somehow playing soccer ever since and now plays for the fcc team. But after a while of talking to him about soccer it was clear that soccer was just something to keep him busy until the snow came.
To Colin, soccer is just something to “keep his legs fresh” for snowboarding season. Although he likes the competition atmosphere of soccer, the ability to do something different every time snowboarding keeps him coming back. Aside from being able to do different tricks every run, what Colin really likes about snowboarding is going to different mountains. He has traveled to Utah, Montana and Canada to snowboard on the bigger mountains out there. His favorite mountain was Brighton mountain in Utah, this mountain incorporated runs that start off as a tree run then you can board down the trail in powder and make your way to the park all in one run. Snowboarding has made Colin able to visit places he would only see on tv. One of the those places is salt lake city, the home to the 2002 winter Olympics. Colin enjoys these mountains more then the local mountains because of the vast skiable terrain and enormous runs. In some cases when you ride to the top of the mountain you look down and can see clouds there so high. In salt lake you are literally are on top of the clouds before you take your run. When asked about any new things he could experience in snowboarding he came up with a long list of mountains to visit but the thing he thinks would be the coolest is helisking. This is like a private run of the best terrain on earth. He said he would love the freedom to just choose whatever you want to ride with no limitations. When I asked him if there was anything he didn’t like about snowboarding he hesitated and said when his goggles freeze. Sometimes when you get really high in the mountains the coldness just freezes you goggles to you face and anytime you sweat it just freezes. Sometimes this can cause frostbite which I know hurts extremely bad. But goggle freezing is only something he is worried about after hes done boarding. Colins attitude of wanting to try new things is enhanced by snowboarding and I would characterize his as an adventurous person.

Monday, September 14, 2009


When i first walked into smoothie king i noticed the noise of blenders blending and an older guy greeting me at the counter. As i walked up to order i noticed the guy at the counter was very upbeat and seemed way too awake for ten in the morning. My first impression of the place was that it had healthier alternatives to snaking. As i was ordering i realized the cheerfulness of the cashier seemed to rub off onto me as i ordered. I ordered a medium pineapple pleasure and decided to start my day off right and add an energy boost enhancer to my smoothie. He asked me for my name and gave me an order slip. I looked around and noticed all of the signs for healthier living and eating healthy. These signs already convinced me i had made the right choice for something to eat. As i went to the other counter to pay for my order i walked past their wall of non smoothie items. This wall included things like protein shakes and vitamins for all of your healthy living needs. I gave the man my slip to pay and before i had time to take out my credit card he was handing me my smoothie. The man then informed me of a free coupon for my future trips. I pocked the coupon and began to head out. The cashier then said goodbye and recited my name. I first had to stop and think how he would know my name and quickly realized he had asked me as soon as i entered the building. My lasting impression of the place was it was a very nice environment with likable people.
Smoothie king is a place where first impressions mean a lot. From the healthy living signs to a guy greeting you as you walk in, smoothie king wants you to eat healthy and be happy. Their quick service and variety of healthy foods encourages anyone to buy a smoothie. For a quick but healthy bite to eat, smoothie king has great smoothies and snacks for anyone.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

recall blog

Back in the day around about 8th grade my friends and I took a trip to ski liberty for my first time snowboarding. All of the friends i went with have already been snowboarding for years. So after we get out tickets we start walking to the moutain. So we passed the bunny hill and when i suggested to start on the bunny hill they all declined. I looked up that little hill and saw mostly little kids so i thought "ya i could just skip this little one". So after we pass the bunny hill, the next hill was the medium sized hill, i saw mostly kids my age and some people falling down so i thought i would fit in perfectly on this hill. But when i suggested this hill to my friends they all said "that hill is too flat and you cant get any speed". So after a little bit i realized that i was going to have to go up to the top of the whole thing because "you can get the most speed". So as were going up the lift and im tiring to act like ive done this a million times, I look down and see the people in the terrain park. This is the place of the moutain where you get to see people doing jumps and rails and all types of tricks. So as I see a mini x-games below me i turn to my friends and inform them there is no way im doing this for my first time. After they told me that we were going past that part i was a little more at ease. So as we get off the of top ski lift and strap in I tell my friends ill just try to follow them the best i can. So as we start going down this hill i started speeding faster and faster. To turn my friends told me to lean to the side you want to turn to, after tring to turn and stop for about 20 feet i realized that was not going to happen. So at this point i was pretty worried. I was goin to try and lean back slowly and try to just ease back and stop. As i was leaning back to slowly fall to the ground i ran over a small bump just big enough to kick my feet out from under me. At this point i dont know what to do and feel a wave of cold snow spraying up on my face. I fall on my back and am now so snowy my black jacket was mostly white. After i get up, shake off all the snow, and adjust my googles I look back and see my friends racing toward me. They all told me how crazy that looked and how much they thought it hurt. After a days full of runs like that i finnally got hang of it and kept going all year. Now i go snowboarding every winter and pay for it by working at ski liberty.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just chill and relax

If i had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "just chill and relax". This applies to me because i try not to worry about the little things in life and take things as they come. Just chill and relax refers to me liking to just relax and have a good time. I dont like to be stressed out.